Side effects will appear within 48 hours of consumption and include stomach cramps, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, vomiting, expelling oil instead of normal bowel movements, as well as the dreaded anal leakage. Gross right? Why would anyone ever choose to eat something that caused all these problems? Perhaps because it tastes like a cloud of butter sent straight to your mouth from heaven!
I know friends have heard briefly about hubby and my experience with the fatty fabulous fish called escolar…but those of you who haven’t….your in for a treat! Haha
On April 13th my wonderful cook of a husband decided he would surprise me when I came home from work with a gourmet meal. He was so excited because he went to the fish market down the street and found something we hadn’t tried. He said it was called escolar AKA fatty tuna. Well, this peaked my curiosity and I couldn’t wait to try it!
He crusted the fish in spices and sesame seeds and seared it just perfectly like you would a nice ahi steak. He served it with some sautéed veggies and wine of course! My first bite of this fish and I was hooked. It was absolutely AMAZING! It was like cutting through butter and the texture and flavor in your mouth was no less succulent. I was sure I had found my new favorite food. We ate until we were stuffed.
After dinner my overly curious husband decided to jump on the internet and research the fish that we just devoured. What is it? Why had we never heard of it before? Could be because the FDA just recently removed the ban in the US on this crazy fish! It was banned by Japan in 1977. The side effects I listed above are all possible consequences of eating this little taste of heaven. Oh dear…we were not looking forward to the next 48 hours.
So is such a tasty treat worth the risk? I eat Taco Bell even though I know it gives me a stomach ache. I devour pork belly even though I know that the thousands of calories go straight to my hips. I eat too much garlic in one sitting even though I know it will make me stink for a week. I drink wine all night knowing I’ll wake up with red teeth and a headache in the morning. So what is the difference between that and eating escolar? No matter how tasty the treat, nothing is worth the possibility of having the dreaded ((say it in a whisper)) anal leakage. So heed my warning friends and know the facts…if you see escolar on the menu….RUN!!!